Coruja One Trailer, Special Two-Door Version. Coruja One is a compact trailer with a unique design, ideal for a couple and a child. The model in the video was for Mr. Carvalho and his wife Nifaney, from Bauru - SP, customized according to the couple's preferences, who opted for two doors and large, spacious internal cabinets, since the trailer will be towed by a tricycle and all the useful space must be used. Are you interested in the trailer? Contact us through these contacts related below: OTHER VALUES ONLY BY WHATS 51995011182 CLICK ON THIS LINK TO CHAT https://wa.me/message/XG4W6AAMNZ2FM1 Send an email: https://[email protected] Follow our instagram: / aguiarreboques VALUE FROM R$29,000.00 in its Standard Version (Stander) for 2 people (NO OPTIONALS!!) https://www.aguiarreboques.com/ To learn more, talk to us on WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/XG4W6AAMNZ2FM1 Product Description: CORUJA ONE SPECIAL VERSION WITH TWO DOORS - TRICYCLE Size: 1.40 H x 2.50 D x 1.50 W (It is not possible to modify measurements Kitchen: Aluminum-coated countertop, sink, faucet. Stove with 20 LT Oven (OPTIONAL, standard COOKTOP 2 burners) Microwave (OPTIONAL) Minibar converted to 12 volts (OPTIONAL, standard comes with 220 volts) P5 gas cylinder (OPTIONAL) Cold External Shower (OPTIONAL) Skylight Air Conditioner (OPTIONAL) Large Internal Cabinets (OPTIONAL, Standard comes with Simple Cabinets) Bed that turns into a sofa (OPTIONAL) SMART TV (OPTIONAL) Headboard (OPTIONAL) Battery + Charger + Inverter (OPTIONAL) AL-KO Brake (OPTIONAL) Extra Door (OPTIONAL, standard comes with window) Simple Mosquito Screen (OPTIONAL) Adhesive (OPTIONAL) Gazebo Awning (OPTIONAL) Bathroom Tent (OPTIONAL)