The video shows how to mount a mini roller blind on a window. You can find a wide range of mini roller blinds in our online store: http://dekokalkulator.pl/ https://dekokalkulator.pl/assortment/... https://dekokalkulator.pl/calculator/... We invite you to follow our pages: Online store https://dekokalkulator.pl/ with ready-made products such as roller blinds, blinds, mosquito nets, pleats, verticals, Roman blinds, decorative screens, awnings and more. Accessories, components and spare parts for roller blinds, blinds, mosquito nets and other covering systems at: http://dorolet.com.pl/pl/ http://dorolet.com.pl/pl/18-rolety-mi... Facebook fanpage / stopsun.firma where you can ask questions and keep up to date with our company's news. An expert blog where you will find installation instructions for blind systems, tips, inspirations on how to decorate your window and enrich the interior of your apartment: http://blogstopsun.pl/