New series→ • [Minecraft] New Yukkuri Villager Defense Craft Part 1 [Yukkuri Commentary] From now on, I would like to comment on a new Minecraft series. The enemy is a guerrilla force, so I don't know how long the villagers can survive, but I will do my best, so please support me. Please take a look slowly!! Part 2➡ • [Minecraft] Yukkuri Villager Defense Craft! Part 2 ================================ [BGM and sound effect distribution sites used] Niconico Commons → http://commons.nicovideo.jp/ 魔王魂 → http://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/ Sound Effect Lab → http://soundeffect-lab.info/ H/MIX GALLERY → http://www.hmix.net/ ====================================== Official Minecraft website ➡https://minecraft.net/ Owner's Twitter → /arc0906 #YukkuriLiveCommentary #Minecraft #Minecraft #building #game #survival #vanilla