Sorry, I'm seriously a NEET. Minecraft One Punch Man Data Pack■I would appreciate it if you subscribed to my channel: http://goo.gl/s4JwJc ■Twitter: / p1kt3 ■Sub-channel: https://goo.gl/BPNIos ▼Data pack to become Saitama https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-... ▼Minecraft one-off live commentary • Minecraft one-off live commentary ▼LINE stamps https://store.line.me/stickershop/pro... ▼LINE theme https://store.line.me/themeshop/produ... ■Assistance with editing subtitles etc.: Ujinomiya ▼Recommended series________________________________________________________ Tag with Ootori-sama in the world of Spirited Away (Increasing Oni) • Spirited Away Stupid Game • Stupid Game Dragon Quest (Dragon MOD) • Dragon Quest Minecraft Prison Break: We are the Main Characters • Minecraft Great Escape Mario Maker 2 • Mario Maker 2 Jujutsu Kaisen MOD • Jujutsu Kaisen MOD Demon Slayer MOD • Demon Slayer MOD ________________________________________________________ ▼BGM and sound effects used: H/MIX GALLERY [http://www.hmix.net/] On-Jin ~Otojin~ [http://on-jin.com/] OtoLogic [https://otologic.jp] DOVA-SYNDROME [http://dova-s.jp/bgm/] 魔王魂 [https://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/] A World Without Noise [https://noiselessworld.net/] MusMus [http://musmus.main.jp/music_img2.html] Amacha Music Studio [https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/] #Minecraft #Picto