Listen to the world's bestsellers in Telegram: https://t.me/loudbook_bot Listen to all the latest audiobooks on YouTube HERE: https://t.me/poleznie_audioknigi In an era where time runs in an endless stream, we often get lost in the meaningless fuss and the race for success. But what if we tell you that true happiness and meaning in life exist here and now? Do you believe in the priceless opportunity to find long-awaited peace and harmony in the very heart of the bustle? This is achievable thanks to the subtle art of living in the present moment, which will help you realize yourself and the world around you on a new, deeper level. With the help of this audiobook, you will: learn to practice mindfulness and accept life's events as they are; reveal your true essence and begin to look at the world with different eyes; use all the energy available to you for internal growth and personal transformation; Mindfulness - the art of living in the moment you will begin to trust yourself completely and connect more deeply with your own nature. There is a world full of unknown facets, where missed opportunities intertwine with lived events. This is a world where we can abandon the eternal striving for the future and immerse ourselves in the moment, feeling its special fullness and richness. This is the art of living in the present moment, and it is waiting for you to open the door to inner peace and well-being.