Be part of our community I Live on Dividends???? ???????? https://go.euvivodedividendos.com.br/... PROSPERITY, WEALTH and POLITICS (PABLO MARÇAL) Irmãos Dias Podcast #93 Irmãos Dias Podcast welcomes Pablo Marçal for the second time today. He is a real estate and digital entrepreneur, mentor, business strategist, branding specialist, lawyer by training and has written 25 self-help and motivational books. And the theme of today's episode will be: Prosperity, Wealth and Politics! We will talk about several subjects, such as: When did Pablo start to see success in his life for real? How did it start? Pablo talks a lot about 4 steps necessary to change a person's mind. What are the 4 steps? How to become a millionaire starting from scratch? How to reach 1 million in 12 months? How to free yourself from addictions? Was there a boycott of your campaign for president and federal deputy? Will Pablo run for political office again? What are the biggest mistakes Pablo saw in Bolsonaro's campaign? And what did you think of this story about the jewelry involving Bolsonaro's wife? Was the motorcycle a mistake? What does Pablo think of Lula's first 100 days in office? What does Pablo think of Brazil's labor laws? Pablo had a very controversial case involving his name. When he climbed a mountain with approximately 30 people. What was that story? Did this have any negative impact on his career? Pablo was very close to Thiago Nigro, are they still friends? And much more, come check out the full episode! Hosts André Dias @andrejaneirodias / @mestredariqueza Carol Dias @caroldias / @riquezaemdias Guest Pablo Marçal (@pablomarcal1)