Dr. Nawar Ali Hello .. In this video, I present to you, dear friends, important information about a natural herb, milk thistle, also called camel thistle, and some call it wild thistle .. Its pharmaceutical form as a nutritional supplement and the dosage of the active ingredient silymarin (silymarin) and its benefits The great benefits of milk thistle on the liver, kidney, cancer patient, fatty liver patient, fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gallstones, high liver enzymes, high LDL cholesterol, insulin resistance patient, diabetes patient, varicose veins, enlarged prostate, depression patient, seasonal depression, milk production in nursing mothers, and its benefits for skin freshness and facial wrinkles. The most important sign that anyone can notice in their body that indicates the onset of fatty liver and fatty liver is how to prepare milk thistle herb and obtain the seeds in it and how to eat it. In this video, as a doctor, I provide an explanation, with complete transparency, based on scientific foundations and the results of studies and research, and not on a personal opinion. My greetings, love and heartfelt wishes to you.... • This video is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for specialized medical advice. Always consult your doctor to get the best medical advice for your condition. ........... #Natural_Herbs #Healthy_Nutrition #Dr_Nawar_Ali