Now let's talk about military psychology! Petteri Simola is the Finnish Defense Forces' research director of military psychology. The defense forces are constantly studying the workings of the soldier's mind. Now we get to hear what is actually being done there! We discuss, among other things, the following: How is the future ability of citizens to join the military evaluated? How does the human mind react under combat stress? How does modern technology affect the psychology of warfare? This was a unique opportunity for me to talk about such matters with perhaps the biggest expert in Finland. I am excited and grateful. The defense forces have not opened much about these topics in the past. The second episode will follow. If you want to support my podcast, the best way is to like, follow and tip your friends on social media! It shows the algorithms that my content is liked. You can also follow PSYKOLOGIA Podcast on Spotify. Many thanks. TikTok: @oskarimagga Instagram: @oskarimagga Website: oskarimagga.com