*group ВК https://vk.com/mila_kyrie Посвящается маме, одному прекрасному человеку, from a wooden family and from my Polish roots... from both sides корней. Stitches, music - Mila Kirievskaya Text and music - Mila Kirievska Translation of the first couplet is at the end of the song. Prosaic translation of the second couplet is here: Where are you, noble lordship, Where are you, great army? Gentlemen, brothers, where can you Each other to murder? In a beloved homeland, to whom faith is displeasing Who has not heard God for a long time? Both noblemen and subjects have galloped off Trampled their land. The Republic is awash with light We will see each other, sir, not soon. The Republic, already washed with blood, circles over the sietch of crows. The Republic forgotten by God We will meet Him soon. View project: Карта сбербанка: 2202 2015 1413 5165