"I enjoyed combining the news format with completely absurd humor," says Martin Mikyska about the development of his show Mikýř's Amazing Journey on the Internet. The videos, which try to break down the bizarre case and business maneuvers of the Czech online world, are watched by a variable spectrum of the public. According to Mikýra, it depends on the chosen topic. Why will we see Martin Mikyska in the movie BANGER after his presentation at the Anděl music awards? Listen to the entire interview ???? ???? https://wave.rozhlas.cz/nejvic-me-bav... Hosted by Tereza Havlínková. Listen to On Air as a podcast in the mujRozhlas mobile application https://rozhl.as/mujRozhlasAplikace - Visit us at: http://www.wave.cz/ / croradiowave / croradiowave / croradiowave #MartinMikyska #Mikýř #radiowave