I want to be loved by GOD Original video [Gambling] A slot machine that I know nothing about 🎰 Miko won't leave the store until she hits GOD!! Day 2 [HoloLive/Sakura Miko] https://www.youtube.com/live/RUEJiWJb... Channel Miko Ch. Sakura Miko / @sakuramiko Hololive Official Youtube / @hololive Official website https://hololivepro.com/ Games Yakuza 7 Whereabouts of Light and Darkness https://ryu-ga-gotoku.com/seven/ Gaming machine Another God Hades - Stolen ZEUS ver. - https://www.universal-777.com/product... Links to materials I used the following. Thank you! DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/ yuhei komatsu https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play21479.html The Silent Music Box https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play21490.html GT-K https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play3328.html 8:51:22 pm https://pm85122.onamae.jp/ Fonta http://www.fontna.com/blog/1706/ Gyokutendo https://gyokutendo.booth.pm/ Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-lab.info/ #SakuraMiko #HoloLive #Cutout