President of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center Mikhail Kovalchuk talks about the transition from the atomic project to nature-like technologies at the New Knowledge marathon and raises very interesting questions: When and by whom was the atomic era launched in Eurasia? Does Russia have competitors in the atomic field? Ecology: dusting off global problems? What is the technosphere? Nanobiomaterials and IT: how are worlds and technologies intertwined? What are cognitive technologies? What are the prospects for young people in the atomic industry? ================ More lectures, interviews and excursions from scientists, public figures, businessmen can be found on our website https://www.znanierussia.ru. Russian society Knowledge — up-to-date knowledge at a click away. ???? ???? ???? ================= ???? Subscribe to our social networks and receive cool content daily, and be the first to know about events, competitions, lectures: VK: https://vk.com/znanierussia Facebook: / znanierus Instagram: / znanie_russia Telegram: https://t.me/Znanie_Russia ================= Official channel ➤➤ @Russian Society Knowledge is a channel about science and society: technology, IT, media, ecology, energy, urban studies, medicine and much more. Unique issues, films, interviews, expert opinions. ❗❗❗A channel for those who are interested in the present and want to know what our future will be like. What awaits us? What conclusions have been made? What world do we live in today? ================ #ROSE #RussianSocietyKnowledge #atomicenergy #Kurchatov #MikhailKovalchuk #MarathonNewKnowledge