Basque language courses in Paris / sustraiakerroak http://www.eskualetxea.com/sustraiak (Mikel Laboa with the Donostiarra Orphéon) Txoria txori the bird bird (or popularly Hegoak -the wings-) is one of the most famous songs in Basque. It has become very popular, especially because of its lyrics about love and the respect that goes with it. It was written by JL Artze, and musicalized by Mikel Laboa, thinking about the critical situation of the Basque people and their language. Hegoak ebaki banizkio Nerea izango zen ez zuen alde egingo Baina honela, ez zen gehiago txoria izango Eta nik, txoria nuen maite... If I had cut off his wings He would have been mine He would not have escaped But then he would no longer have been a bird And me, what I loved was the bird...