Thank you all. Thank you for this wonderful and warm welcome. It is always very encouraging for me to come here. This morning, when I walked in here despite the snow, I was reminded of all the beauty of this place and the special qualities of the people here. You are also committed to realizing a free Iran. I want to dedicate a special moment to those who are watching from afar. Stay healthy. I think I speak for everyone in this hall today when I say that this is a real moment of hope, as you spoke about, Ms. Rajavi. This is a time for optimism for the Iranian people. I have seen over the past year and it has been shown that the regime is undoubtedly at its weakest point. I say this knowing that this regime has always been weak, but now we all and the world can see it clearly. Khamenei has no prayer, no hope, not even a dream to bring prosperity to the Iranian people. He is no longer even able to defend those who were willing to risk their lives for him and his tyrannical regime. I am confident that the maximum pressure campaign that you mentioned will be resumed and that will be the beginning of the end to help the Iranian people to end this evil regime, and that is evident in Tehran today. They see it, the regime sees it. For us here, I think the appropriate question today is what will Iran be like? I want to talk to you about something that I think the future could include. And I think you all know it in your conscience. We always have to think about the future, remembering the recent past. We have to discuss the events that have happened since I was last here. Everything happened very quickly. This has been the most devastating year for the IRGC, the Ministry of Intelligence, and Khamenei. Look inside the regime, it is a crisis. The 1401 uprising, brutally suppressed by the regime, was a turning point and showed that the Iranian regime must end. Those deep-rooted problems that led to that uprising in 1401 have been greatly exacerbated. You all saw it, the world saw it, the Europeans saw it, the leadership in Asia saw it, the whole world can see it. Just a few weeks ago, the Iranian economy almost came to a standstill, a complete standstill. This is dramatic. It could not provide enough fuel, gasoline, heat, and the simple things for the people and the lives of ordinary people. The Iranian regime had to make difficult choices and choose between heating the homes of the Iranian people or keeping small businesses operating. This is disruption at the highest level. Just think about this for a moment. Iran is one of the most energy-rich countries in the entire world. It has assets that many people in many countries around the world can only dream of, yet it cannot provide energy for its own people. We know this, you know this. The issue is not about what is underground, but about what is above ground. The issue is that Khamenei and his cronies are more concerned with waging war against their enemies and promoting their extremist ideology than with meeting the basic needs of the people. The problem is not with resources, the problem is with the theocracy and the policies and the regime that is evil. It is a regime that is more concerned with enriching itself than with meeting the basic needs of the people. Mrs. Rajavi talked about the economy on the verge of collapse. I think it is much worse than that. The rial has lost 30 percent of its value in just the last 90 days. No matter how much the regime tries to instill stability or self-confidence in the world, you cannot ignore a basic economy like this. Politically, it is no better. Raisi’s death was an irreparable blow to Khamenei himself. Raisi was a pillar of the regime. We all know his history as the executioner of Tehran. Khamenei had invested heavily in Raisi. He had trained Raisi to ensure that the regime would continue certain policies after his death. Raisi was appointed in a sham election that was widely boycotted by the majority of the Iranian people. After his death, the regime held yet another sham election, and again, the Iranian people responded with a boycott, by not participating, by refusing to grant the initial dignity that the regime wanted to gain by appointing the cleric of its choice. They emphasized the illegitimacy of Khamenei and the government by their fundamental and fundamental act and said, “No, I will not participate.” This crisis, this economic crisis, this political crisis, this fundamental crisis cannot be denied. We should all remember that Khamenei never sought to create a brighter future for the Iranian people he claims to lead. He and his predecessors took wealth and resources that rightfully belonged to the people and instead handed them proxy forces around the world to protect the regime, to create conflicts elsewhere so that the people of the world could not see what was really happening. ....... Simaya Azadi 10 Dei 1403 #Iran #Neither_Shah_nor_Sheikh #IranRevolution https://www.iranntv.com/ Simaya Azadi Social Media /