In just under a month, early elections will be held in Germany. And one of the most important topics for this election is migration, if you ask researcher Gerald Knaus. You can also see from other countries in Europe - such as Austria - that these same right-wing parties are becoming more popular. The Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil, wants to take decisive action against this and is also calling on the CDU to pull together with other parties on this issue in order not to lose more people to the right. You can find the entire talk here: https://kurz.zdf.de/aKkO/ Other guests on the show: Sonja Álvarez, journalist _____ Here on ZDFheute Nachrichten you can find out what is happening in the world and what concerns us all: We provide insight into the world of news, explain the background and address social debates. Discuss with us in live streams and form your own opinion with the facts that we present to you. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss anything. You can always stay up to date at http://www.ZDFheute.de/. #migration #lanz #electioncampaign