Microsoft has finally unveiled its AI laptops powered by Qualcomm's X-Elite and X-Plus processors. The laptops, which have a similar design, are set to make a splash and take the market by storm thanks to their powerful processors. In this video, I explained everything I knew about Microsoft's conference. ❌Video of the first part of the conference, where the features of Windows 10 and Windows 10 ARM were introduced❌ • Windows 11 ARM version has arrived New... ❌Video of Binosha's kids about new laptops❌ • The best laptops of the year have been introduced!???? @binoshacast ????Full video of Microsoft's conference???? • Full Keynote: Introducing Copilot+ PCs I also took a series of screenshots from this video so that you can watch the original video if you want. • Microsoft FINALLY Fixed This... ⏰Video timing⏰ 00:00 Why not buy a laptop now? 01:07 What was the first part of the conference about? 01:35 Introduction and specifications of Qualcomm NPUs 05:50 Introduction of Surface Laptop 7 or Surface laptop Copilot + PC 11:07 Introduction of Surface Laptop 11 15:09 Introduction of Microsoft's partner laptops 15:55 What will happen to our current computers? 17:00 What happened to make Arm processors so powerful? 18:00 Will old software not be affected? 18:40 What will happen to games? 19:42 Summary ******* ✌️ Support link for the Computer Crossroads channel ✌️ If you are inside Iran https://hamibash.com/4rahecomputer For compatriots abroad https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/4rahe... ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The second channel of Computer Crossroads / primary4rahecomputer ******* ????Use the playlists below for professional computer training ???? ????Network Plus Training Course - Network+ Course ???? https://kutt.it/networkplus ????Windows 11 Training ???? https://kutt.it/windows11 ????HyperV Training Course - Microsoft Windows Virtualizer ???? https://kutt.it/HyperV ????Windows Training Course - According to the official Windows 10 and 11 certificate - MCSA ???? https://kutt.it/windowsCourse ???? Answers to your computer questions ???? https://kutt.it/QandA ******* ???? Website address https://4rahecomputer.com ???? Page Instagram / 4rahecomputer ???? Twitter address / 4rahecomputer ???? Facebook page / 4rahecomputer ???? Telegram channel https://t.me/charrahecomputer #Surface #Microsoft #surface #laptop #laptop