The mass cultivation of microalgae has brought together two companies in the production of sustainable fertiliser for the countryside. The Seville-based startup G2G Algae Solutions has created an innovative system for cultivating them, and CAÑALTA, a family-run agricultural company, whose farm in Tocina, in the province of Seville, is carrying out trials. The algae fertiliser is being applied to two plots, one with persimmons using drip irrigation and the other with citrus fruits using traditional irrigation. These are projects that seek to recover and conserve natural resources in a sustainable way. Microalgae are tiny unicellular organisms that play a fundamental role for the planet. They are responsible for most of the oxygen we breathe, they capture CO2 and are very rich in proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. These characteristics make them a raw material of great interest for many sectors of the economy. Production is carried out in a photobioreactor with a capacity of 3,000 litres that the farmer can install directly in the field. The first results are very positive. The production of microalgae begins in the laboratory of the firm Grow to Grow Algae Solutions, which has the support of the Minerva Program for business acceleration and ICT entrepreneurship of the Junta de Andalucía. Algae have numerous applications both in agriculture and in other industrial sectors that are already being tested in this laboratory. Interventions: Manuel Altaza (Manager Finca Supra), Manuel González (Research and Development G2G Algae Solutions), Julio Frías (Agricultural Technician G2G Algae Solutions), Nuria Egea (CEO G2G Algae Solutions). [Canal Sur Televisión] Canal Sur on demand: Director of “Land and Sea” & “Protected Space”: José María Montero Editor of “Land and Sea” & “Protected Space”: Esther Lazo Co-editor of “Land and Sea” & “Protected Space”: Mª José Gómez-Biedma Director: Daniel Berzal Production: Inmaculada Villalba Editor: Mara José Gómez-Biedma Direction: María Díez Camera: Jesús Pineda Editing: David Macías Documentation: Remedios Domínguez Tierra y Mar program 1338. Broadcast November 22, 2020. Canal Sur on demand: http://www.canalsur.es/television/pro... http://www.canalsur.es/television/pro... Follow us on Twitter: @TierrayMarRTVA Follow us on Twitter: @EspacioCanalSur 11/22/2020