⇒ Find the full report of this Volleyball Practice Workshop on our website: . This video presents the warm-up (the "entry into the activity", 2nd part) proposed by Michel Récopé during the Volleyball Practice Workshop organized by the AE-EPS Paris-Île-de-France on Friday 27 (UFR STAPS of the University Paris Descartes) and Saturday 28 January 2012 (Laura Flessel gymnasium, in Drancy). Mr. Récopé is an HDR emeritus lecturer at the UFR STAPS of Clermont-Ferrand. ⇒ Find all the videos, slideshows, written reports of the AE-EPS Paris-Île-de-France on our website: https://www.aeeps.org/regionales/pari.... ⇒ Follow our news, our reports, our favorites and our rants on our Twitter account: @AeepsIDF.