Recording of one of the last concerts of the legendary singer of Czech country music (1993). P. Jíšová and the Weekend group perform together. Directed by V. Fatka More at / michal.tucny Join us ... It was the end of the summer of 1993 and that day the weather around Brno was literally dog-like. It was raining and there was no indication that according to the calendar it was still summer. That day, a big folk festival was held in the summer cinema in Tišnov. It was surprising that even in the mentioned unfavorable weather, the audience was able to wait for the main star of the evening - the legend of Czech country music singer Michal Tučný. Perhaps it was also because it was one of his first performances with another legend -- singer Pavlína Jíšová -- and their new band Weekend. No one in the audience or even those who recorded this concert for the then cycle of folk and country TV recitals could have suspected that they were unwittingly participating in the truth of a historical moment. It was one of Tučný's last performances and the very last in front of television cameras. None of the participants who applauded his evergreens could have guessed that in less than two years -- 10 March 1995 -- Michal Tučný would leave forever.