http://www.supraphonline.cz/album/212... https://itunes.apple.com/cz/album/pad... The stars were burning, falling Angels' wings were torn off in the morning, and my dreams are sleeping in the corners. Outside the window, the rain sings softly, our hearts are exhausted. I close my eyes That night the stars were burning, falling And you were afraid that the day wouldn't come, I knew it was forever and You that I was next to you. Words are hopes and disappointments from the truth, cities are just echoes of our names. But those roads are not easy at all, they go down and up with a view. So I lie here and say goodbye to a guilt that none of us have. and I believe that the shadows will merge into each other, and everything will begin again. I'm coming to the dark That night the stars were burning, falling And you were afraid that the day wouldn't come, I knew it was forever and You that I was next to you. That night the stars were burning, falling And you were afraid that the day wouldn't come, I knew it was forever and You that I was next to you. That night the stars were burning, falling And you were afraid that the day wouldn't come, I knew it was forever and You that I was next to you. #michalsindelar #horelypadalyvezdy #supraphon