MEXICO SURPRISED EVERYONE WITH THE END OF THE YEAR EVENT AND RECEIVED NOT WITH FIREWORKS .... BUT WITH HIGH ENERGY MUSIC FROM THE 70'S 80'S AND 90'S At first it was estimated that 130,000 people came together, later it was said that around 200,000 people gathered at Reforma, the main avenue of Mexico City, not counting those who were left outside the main avenue and surrounding streets, but later GOOGLE said that more than 500,000 people were detected in the area. It was an epic party with a theme that made anyone dance regardless of their age, social status or borders, since Mexicans and foreigners were also present and dancing to the rhythm of HIGH ENERGY. We no longer know what will happen next year, but this year they left us marked for history with the POLYMARCHS Audio and Sound Equipment. Let's hope that next year is the same or better. With PolymarchS or some other sound or collaboration, we realized that we have more fun dancing!