Message of December 25, 2024 to Marija “Dear children, pray, pray, pray that peace may reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and every state of trouble. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (With ecclesiastical approval) During the apparition, the Virgin prayed in Aramaic, her mother tongue. She smiled, but she was serious. She carried the Child Jesus in her arms. She was dressed in her Feast dress, all gold. --------------------------------------------------------- Message of December 25 entrusted to Jakov: “Dear children, today, on this day of grace, I invite you in a special way not to live your life striving to achieve worldly goals and (I invite you) not to seek peace and joy in the things of this world; because in this way, darkness takes hold of your life and you do not see the meaning of your life. Little children, open the door of your heart to Jesus, allow Him to take hold of your whole life to begin to live in the love and mercy of God. My children, it is only with Jesus in your hearts that you will know the true purpose of your life, and that you will aspire to eternal salvation. I bless you with my motherly blessing. » (With ecclesiastical approval) https://www.youtube.com/c/EnfantsdeMe... Give your email to be informed of the news of Medjugorje and Sr Emmanuel (at the bottom of the form): https://www.enfantsdemedjugorje.fr/in... -------------------------------------------------- To support us in the creation of videos: https://www.enfantsdemedjugorje.fr/dons/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------