The Center for Media and Society Studies in Argentina, a joint initiative of the University of San Andrés and Northwestern University, held the ninth edition of its annual conference “Contemporary Developments in Media, Culture, and Society: Argentina and Latin America” on Friday, September 1 and Saturday, September 2, 2023. More than 120 researchers associated with universities and institutions from 10 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, the United States, England, Mexico, and the Netherlands) and from 6 provinces of Argentina (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Mendoza, San Juan, San Luis, and Santa Fe) presented articles at the Meso 2023 Congress that contribute to the discussion on media, culture, technology, and society and that expand knowledge on this topic at the national and regional levels. In this regard, we would like to thank all the speakers, moderators, our two Keynote Speakers, and the 433 registrants who participated in the event both in person and virtually. Special thanks to the MESO team: Eugenia Mitchelstein and Pablo Boczkowski, co-directors of the Center, and Noelia Collado, coordinator and research assistant. Here you can find the recording of Panel 16: “Media representations, inequalities and exclusion”: ● Agustina Gallo (CONICET). “Australia/New Zealand 2023 Women's World Cup: an analysis of the mediatization of the Argentine women's team on the TyCSports digital portal” ● Belén Igarzábal (FLACSO/ UdeSA), Gaita Nihil, Mateo Diosque & Gabriela Franchino (FLACSO). “Representations of LGBTQI+ people on Argentine Television” ● Valerie Gruest (Northwestern University), Amy Ross Arguedas (University of Oxford) & Pablo Boczkowski (Northwestern University). “Harmful or useful? A comparative analysis of news representations of new technologies and eating disorders” ● Oscar Bermeo (National University of Rosario). “Brown Identity: excluded corporality as viral dissent” The panel was moderated by Patricia Ferrante.