Let's sing with Pororo Lala Lala Lala♬♪♬♪ #Let'sSingWithPororo #PororoChildren'sRhymes #Children'sRhymes ─ ???? If you like nursery rhymes, click Like and Subscribe right now!! / @Let'sSingWithPororoTayo ????Shall we dance the Bara Pam with Pororo and friends to the cheerful music? • Bara Pam Let's sing Bara Pam with Pororo ????Sing with Tayo Heavy Equipment! Tayo Heavy Equipment Song! • Tayo Heavy Equipment Song Nursery rhymes sung by the best heavy equipment ????Learn lifestyle habits nursery rhymes while singing with Pororo and Tayo! • Pororo Lifestyle Habits Nursery Rhymes Tayo Lifestyle Habits Nursery Rhymes Lifestyle Songs