🇺🇿Hello. In this video, we repaired the Mercedes Actros Bez: G211-16 gearbox. The gearbox oil pump gears were faulty, so all the bearings were worn out. We removed the old bearings and installed new ones. During the video. We also installed a new broken demultiplier. If you find the video useful, press the like button 👍 and if you haven't subscribed, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE. Because this is very important for the development of our channel. If anyone needs such services, contact us. We will also answer your questions. ☎️ +99890 533 29 35 There are telegrams and whatsapp. Thank you very much for watching! 🇷🇺Hello. In this video, we repaired the Mercedes Actros Bez: G211-16 gearbox. The gears of the Vistet oil pump are bad, so all the bearings are worn out. Removed the old bearing and installed a new one. Vo vremya video. My takje pocket-sized slomanny demultiplikator is new. Nice video, post it like it. PODPISATSYa , esli vy eshche etogo ne sdelali. Potomu chto eto ochen vajno dlya razvitiya nashego kanal. Thank you for watching! 🇬🇧 Hello. In this video, we repaired the Mercedes Actros Bez: G211-16 gearbox. Gearbox oil pump gears are bad so all the bearings are eaten. We removed the old bearings and installed new ones. During the video. We also fixed the broken demultiplier with a new one. If you liked the video, please like it. SUBSCRIBE if you haven't already. Because it is very important for the development of our channel. Thank you so much for watching! #gearbox #repair #kpp #oshibka #remont #actros #mercedes #benz #trasmission #trasmisiya #mercedes #aktros #stseplenie #clutch #korzinka #how #howto #mechanic