Considered the best-selling Mercedes-Benz truck here in Brazil and also without a doubt the most iconic, the AGL series, which encompasses the pioneering Mercedes 1111 and its successor the 1113, which had basically the same design as its predecessor, but equipped with a stronger engine, among many other versions launched, are known as the Beetles of heavy vehicles, mainly for their robustness, reliability and ease of maintenance. However, what few people know is that the 1113 is still manufactured today, but abroad! Check out other videos on the channel!! ???? THE WORST POPULAR CARS THAT EVER EXISTED IN BRAZIL: • THE WORST POPULAR CARS THAT EVER EXIST... ???? The Square Kombi Banned in Brazil: • THE SQUARE KOMBI THAT VW NEVER BROUGHT... ???? The Square Santana Manufactured until 2013: • SQUARE SANTANA MANUFACTURED IN 2013?? ... ???? WHY WAS THE VW SP2 A FAILURE?: • WHY WAS THE VW SP2 A FAILURE? Like, share and subscribe!!