Meditation to deeply relax and help combat some symptoms of insomnia, depression, panic syndrome. With love, Raissa. If you liked it, share it through this link: (copy and paste link) • MENTAL REPROGRAMMING Relax deeply... How about participating in a mentoring session or in-person journey with me? Sign up using the link below or write to [email protected] ????⬇ Connect with me ⬇???? ???? Sign up ???? https://raissazoccal.com.br ???? My Telegram channel: https://t.me/yogamudrabr ????Subscribe to the Channel: / yogamudrabr ???? Instagram: @raissazoccal / raissazoccal I have separated two playlists for you This playlist will help you create discipline and bring yoga into your routine • Yoga for Beginners A series of guided meditations for you to practice! The latest news from the channel!! • Guided Meditations Already saved to practice and don't forget to subscribe to the channel Always listen to your body and respect its possibilities with love. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. In cases of hypertension, heart and spine problems, herniated disc, inguinal hernia or similar problems, a medical evaluation is recommended for your practice. This practice does not replace any treatment or medical follow-up. Be sure to consult a doctor and/or maintain any treatment you are undergoing. The benefits of yoga and meditation are scientifically proven. However, they are tools that should be combined with the practitioner's medical and therapeutic follow-up. #MentalReprogrammingMeditation #MeditationToCalmTheMind #GuidedMeditation #MeditationToRelax