Today is a difficult time and support for a decimated psyche would certainly be appreciated by each of us. There are people among us with a lot of energy that could supply a nuclear power plant and they can help people find the reserve within themselves to achieve maximum performance. ????My program The Path to Success has accepted a mental and performance coach, Dag Palovič.???? If you want to try stress relief with us, click on the link below, at minute 49:00. In the interview you will learn: what is mental and performance training how to manage corona and maintain mental health how Dag helps world-class athletes achieve their top performances how to change perspectives and be happier and most importantly we got rid of stress during breathing exercises???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am attaching a link to Dag's book Open Your Eyes: https://www.martinus.sk/?uItem=835013... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you like THE PATH TO SUCCESS and want to know how I can help you? Here are the steps that will help you find the answers: 1. SUBSCRIBE and become part of THE PATH TO SUCCESS ► / @cestazauspechom 2. DO YOU NEED INDIVIDUAL ADVICE? Arrange a personal consultation and I will be happy to answer all your questions JOIN! Tomáš Kromka ► / business coach ► / tomáškromka #cestazauspechom #tomaskromka #uspech