#menstrualcycle #femaleproductivity #welcomingproductivity Download the FREE 7-DAY CHALLENGE now - MORE PRODUCTIVE YOU https://setedias.michelepimentel.com ???? My Welcoming Productivity course for Women: https://michelepimentel.com/produtivi... ???? My newsletter A Semente: https://michelepimentel.com/newsletter My loves, I have received countless direct messages and comments, asking about the reconciliation of the menstrual cycle with female productivity. As a woman, I can say that it goes far beyond that. Your menstrual cycle is a Super Power and, if you know how to take advantage of each of its phases, you will discover how to strengthen yourself in all areas of your life. In this video, I share my journey after tracking and studying my menstrual cycle daily over the past 7 years, and everything I have been learning in this process. I hope this content increases your awareness about one of the most magical things that exists in your body: YOUR MENSTRUAL CYCLE ???? 0:00 Introduction: Discover the hidden power in your menstrual cycle 0:41 Why watch, even if you don't menstruate? 1:24 Level 1: Breaking the silence 4:23 Level 2: Deciphering your menstrual cycle 9:31 Choices that shape your journey 10:36 Level 3: How to apply this wisdom in your life to achieve balance and success 13:31 For the women in your life LET'S CONNECT: ???? Instagram: /amichelepimentel WHO I AM: ????????♀️ I'm Mi, a mother, entrepreneur, content producer and passionate about a simple and healthy lifestyle. I create videos that bring tools and strategies to help women live happier, healthier and more productive lives. And most importantly, respecting who they are and the moment they live in. ???? Where I find my music (Great for YouTubers): Epidemic (30 days free) https://share.epidemicsound.com/wndupc MY GEAR: ????️Microphone: Blue Yeti https://amzn.to/3tmF3GX ???? My camera: https://amzn.to/3V559dp (Yes, I do everything with my iPhone ????) These are affiliate links, so it helps support my channel at no extra cost, but if you prefer not to use it, that's fine too. ????