Title: Memories Performers: Jeferson Braz Madruga (Os Serranos) Accordion: Thaina Azzolini (Azzolini Family) Drums: Jaerson Faleira (Azzolini Family) Author: Telmo de Lima Freitas Video of the Live made by the page of the Musical Group Os Serranos on March 25, 2020. Memories When lost souls meet Hurt by displeasure A wave, just a laugh Makes us want to live They are the old mysteries of life Whipped by the day to day Already tired of so much sadness They go in search of new joy. Already tired of so much sadness They go in search of new joy. And as this dark afternoon dies When the sun slowly sets The memories lock with the waters Fleeting from the Uruguay River And the eternal cicadas guitars Among the flowers of the old ipês Ever-living sleepers wake up In the memory of the first time. Ever-living sleepers wake up In the memory of the first time.