The edition of the show "Memorial dulorei", broadcast in 2017 on #TVR1, when Lucia Hossu Longin told us the story of General Ion Eremia, who was sentenced to 14 years in prison, 25 years of hard labor and 10 years of civic degradation for the book "Gulliver in Land of lies" "Friend, why are our cities so sad? Gulliver asks. Because in our country gaiety died a long time ago, the rulers killed it, we are slaves, and the masters force us to shout that we are free people, we are starving, and the masters force us to shout that we are gluttonous." Thirty years before, the author imagined the fall of the dictator Ceausescu through popular will. / fantvr1 / tvr1.ro http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro / tvrcanaluloficial All intellectual property rights belong to #TVR. Content may not be copied, uploaded to any online media channel or social media without TVR's consent, but we appreciate it if you share our link. TVR is a registered trademark and is protected.