The challenge on minimum wage A duel between women on crucial issues for Italy. Question time in the Chamber on the minimum wage has turned into an all-out challenge between Giorgia Meloni, the first woman Prime Minister at Palazzo Chigi, and Elly Schlein, the first Secretary of the Democratic Party. "In a context like the Italian one, characterized by a high level of collective bargaining coverage and a high rate of irregular work, the government is not convinced that the solution is to set a legal minimum wage." Giorgia Meloni said. "The minimum wage for poor female workers is, as you say, a decoy, go tell that to exploited female workers," Schlein attacked. "Madam President, there is a drama in this country that we never hear about. It is the precariousness of poor work. More than three million workers are poor even if they work. A minimum wage must be set by law because below a certain threshold it cannot be called work, but exploitation." The prime minister reiterated her no to the minimum wage which, in her opinion, could "paradoxically" generate worse conditions for workers than those of today, favoring large economic concentrations". In Schlein's reply, accusations against the right: "You are obsessed with immigration but you see the emigration of many young people who are forced by low wages and precariousness to build a future elsewhere. You have almost cancelled Option Woman. These are the answers" because your priorities are elsewhere: raves, amnesties, the war on NGOs and since yesterday, attacking the sons and daughters of homoparental families who have the same rights as all the boys and girls who are part of our community". At the end of the session, Meloni and Schlein shook hands in the Chamber. It was Meloni who, before leaving the hemicycle, approached the leader of the Democratic Party to greet her. ( CorriereTv ). Watch the video on Corriere: https://video.corriere.it/politica/me...