Are the receipts that go into the individual account considered MEI revenue? If you are an individual microentrepreneur and receive amounts in your individual checking account, you need to pay attention to some details. Because even though MEIs are advised to open a legal entity checking account, they can have their receipts normally in their individual account. In this situation, are the amounts received in the MEI's individual account considered income from the CNPJ? And if this happened to you, MEI, how can you regularize your revenue so as not to have problems with the IRS? Did you know that revenue received in the individual account can be considered for MEI disqualification? I'll tell you all about it later in the video! #mei2023 #faturamentodomei #cnpjmei Our contacts: ____________________________________________________________ Instagram: / contabilizamais_ Facebook: / contabilizamaiscontabil Website: https://www.contabilizacontabil.com.br WhatsApp: 67 99229-4897 ____________________________________________________________ ???? Contabiliza Mais Channel Playlists ???? MEI - Individual Microentrepreneur: • MEI - Individual Microentrepreneur ???? Know your rights • Know your rights ???? Pet Shop • Pet Shop