In this video I want to address the topic of megapixels and printing. How many times have you heard that with a sensor with many megapixels you get higher quality prints? Is it really like that? As you know there is a mathematical relationship between megapixels and printing, more megapixels means larger prints with higher resolution. But in reality, observing large format prints obtained with two cameras, one with 24 megapixels and another with 47 megapixels, will the difference be visible? Those with more megapixels and therefore with a higher resolution, will produce better prints with greater detail? Judge for yourself the results!! If you want to download the high resolution files, you can do so here: https://www.promirrorless.it/pro-mirr... ********************************************************************************** DO YOU WANT A COMPLETE AND CLEAR COURSE THAT WILL HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS AND GET PROFESSIONAL PRINTS? ????ONLINE COURSE FROM SHOOTING TO FINE ART PRINTING???? the first complete online course that will introduce you to all the elements that will really make the difference and obtain fine art quality prints. You will finally be able to get in print what you see on the monitor. A course that will save you time and a lot of money. Visit the page at this address: https://www.promirrorless.it/scatto_s... DO YOU WANT TO OBTAIN BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOS WITH AN ANALOGUE LOOK? ????ONLINE COURSE BLACK AND WHITE FINE ART ????a very complete course of 10 hours of video lessons for those who want to know all the secrets for a black and white with an analogical look. Visit the presentation page: https://www.promirrorless.it/bianco_e... *********************************************************************************