In this vlog you will see a great baby stuff unboxing. Below you will see all the links of Kindermaxx: Chairs + tray + baby set https://www.kindermaxx.nl/az-merken/... Bottle warmer https://www.kindermaxx.nl/verzorging-... Bottle maker https://www.kindermaxx.nl/verzorging-... Breast pump https://www.kindermaxx.nl/az-merken/... Bras https://www.kindermaxx.nl/verzorging-... Sterilization device https://www.kindermaxx.nl/verzorging-... Bowls https://www.kindermaxx.nl/verzorging-... Water bottle https://www.kindermaxx.nl/verzorging-... Furthermore, @bramdewijss will come by to film for our series 'kan niet, mag niet' and I will start writing my book. I have some trouble getting into it, but eventually it is going in the right direction. I am Roosmarijn: A positive and honest fashion designer, thrift shopper and creative jack-of-all-trades. In my videos you see my life with my Australian hubby, our toddler and baby on the way. I take you to the best places in Amsterdam and you see all the beautiful and ugly things that life brings. For questions and collabs: [email protected] Also follow me on @roosmarijn_koster INTRO @kyrawanita