Do you have "dry", tired eyes, blurred vision or watery eyes? No wonder. Each of us spends an average of 8 hours a day in front of a screen. Here are some good tips for relaxing your eyes. The eye is an organ with muscles... which can tire. Overexposure to screens contributes more and more to eye fatigue. Orthoptists - these specialists in screening, rehabilitation and functional exploration of vision disorders - even note a resurgence of vision problems, due to intensive use of the screen: vision imbalance, lack of parallelism of the eyes, convergence insufficiency, visual fatigue, concentration problems, irritability, headaches, dizziness... Our advice. To find out more, therapeutes.com met Christine Bonne, a state-certified orthoptist from the Faculty of Medicine of Nancy. She was trained by Professors Spielmann, Hugonnier, Raspiller and Thomas, professors in ophthalmology, pioneers in the research and treatment of strabismus and amblyopia. She has previous experience in private clinics and public hospitals, notably as a surgeon's assistant in the operating room for cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, strabismus, the practice of functional exploration of vision was daily, visual fields, OCT, retinographies. For more information: http://lemag.therapeutes.com/pratique...