100 years after the birth of Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010) THE PRACTICES OF DIALOGICAL DIALOGUE MEETING PANIKKAR Vito Mancuso 15-16 November 2018 Sala delle Edicole, Padua The ReSTI (Religions Spiritualities Traditions Inquiries) Research Group of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology proposes a meeting that takes inspiration from the thought of Raimon Panikkar, the centenary of whose birth occurs this year. In particular, the intention is to develop a set of reflections starting from the keystone of his thought that can be recognized in the concept of dialogic dialogue that has found and finds a multiplicity of applications starting from his interests in the themes of interreligious and intercultural dialogue. What we intend to focus on is not an object or rather a subject, a thematic area. What distinguishes the proposed meeting is, if one may say so, a spirit that characterizes the interaction with people, cultures, the environment, the cosmos, the religious dimension.