We got together with two couples of friends and went to enjoy the bikers' meeting in Papucaia, located in Cachoeira de Macacu - RJ. We did a quick stop and spent the night at Pousada Terra Ramos, which we recommend to our biker friends. As soon as we arrived, we left our things at the inn and went to have lunch there at the event and enjoyed the bikers doing some radical maneuvers, and at night we went back to enjoy the rock concerts and have a cold beer. Follow Filhos da Estrada on Instagram: filhos.da.estrada ============================================================== #harleydavidsonbrasil #motocustom #fatboy #papucaia #cachoeirademacacu #eventodemotociclistas #fatboy Share this video: • MEETING OF MOTORCYCLISTS OF PAPUCAIA... ride to live 2024 video: • RIDE TO LIVE - BIGGEST EVENT IN CULTURE... Link to the Americano de Arake Store - Saco Bag: https://www.motodiario.com.br/ Pousada Terra Ramos: contact: 21 996420707 ================================================================ / @casalestradeirorj On this channel you will enjoy rides, trips and motorcycle rides with beautiful images of the roads. with lots of joy, fun. trips with friends and motorcyclist brothers. motorcycle trips through Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. A motorcycle tourism channel. Come on the back of Casal Estradeiro RJ. Social networks: YOUTUBE: / casalestradeirorj INSTAGRAM: / casalestradeirorj TIk TOk: https://www.tiktok.com/@casalestradei...