MEDITATION with the GUARDIAN ANGEL. CONNECT WITH YOUR ANGEL through this guided meditation. Meditation and creative visualization to connect with the Guardian Angel and receive his light, blessing and message. A unique experience that only you can experience through this inner process, thank you for allowing me to accompany you to meet your angel and spiritual guide. Charo Corrales Authors Meditation: Charo Corrales Music: Ilde Irún Copyright Music Publisher: Mystic Musica --------------------- Social Networks ----------------------- ANGEL LIGHT Luz de Ángel Youtube channel of meditations with Angels, workshops and courses, all free: / @luzdeangel FACEBOOK: / luzdeangel2020 INSTAGRAM: / luzdeangel_2020 Luz de Ángel Website with tools and resources for spiritual growth with the Angels: https://luzdeangel.com ANGEL LIGHT MUSIC Music for the soul. Youtube Channel Luz de Ángel Music, music inspired by the Angels: / @luzdeangelmusica FACEBOOK: / luzdeangelmusica INSTAGRAM: / luzdeangelmusica #GUARDIANANGELMeditation #connectwithyourangel #guardianangel #creativevisualization #guidedmeditation #angelsandarchangels #meditationwithangels #guardianangel #spiritualguide