Meditation for children │Lalabu and the door of wisdom Irena Kahne - Hypnotherapy Meditations... I believe that we need to learn them early. When we can catch the imaginative inspiration of children who so easily float away to these other worlds. They are so receptive. Change is a natural state for them. And self-love has not yet left their minds. That's why I love creating for them so much. After a long time, I was creating in the studio again. I admit how much I missed that microphone and that red chair. And today I can present the product to you. Here it is for you and your youngest. I present to you LaLaBu. A teddy bear who takes care of the inner world of children. Who is always there for them. And who was inspired by my friend Lena, who is also the author of this fairy tale. It's nice when we people connect. It's nice when we connect in creativity. And even nicer when we can share it with you. I wish you a pleasant listening. Irena #meditationforchildren #goodnight #children'stale #Lalabubear **************************************************************************** Every week there is new content on my Youtube channel, so I invite you to watch it and I would be grateful if you subscribe to my channel so that you can always be informed when something new comes to the channel. ****************************************************************** You can follow me here: Youtube: https://bit.ly/3pa44Rh Website: www.irenakahne.com Facebook: / irenakahnehipnoterapija Instagram: / irenakahne It is an honor for me to prepare content for you.