Small tips and tricks guide for NPC farming with field size analysis (version Today something a little more scientific with a little economic analysis. Today on the topic of NPC farming: What to expect 00:00 Setting up and managing fields 01:08 Selecting field workers 02:51 4 phases of field cultivation 04:26 Wheat selection 04:57 Economic analysis (Excel) 07:04 Summary for baking 14:45 Do you want to continue experiencing my adventures? Then follow me on Twitch or watch our Medieval Dynasty adventure on my channel. / toshimir01 • Medieval Dynasty #01 A view of the... ____________________________________________________________________ Partner in the game: :-) ____________________________________________________________________ I am currently playing on the following equipment: Microphone: Rode NTUSB Headset: Logitech G635 Keyboard: Logitech G512 Mouse: ET T7 Megaport: Gaming PC AMD Ryzen 7 powered by ASUS II Case: be quiet! Pure Base 600 orange with window CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X, 8x 3.60GHz Cooler: EKL Alpenföhn Ben Nevis Motherboard: ASUS Prime Hard disk: 2TB Western Digital WD Blue SATA III Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit ____________________________________________________________________ Music: Carpe Diem by Kevin MacLeod Link httpsincompetech.filmmusic.iosong3478-carpe-diem License httpcreativecommons.orglicensesby4.0 Fretless by Kevin MacLeod Link httpsincompetech.filmmusic.iosong3777-fretless License httpcreativecommons.orglicensesby4.0 Carefree by Kevin MacLeod Link httpsincompetech.filmmusic.iosong3476-carefree License http://creativecommons.orglicensesby4.0 Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song... License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...