Because it is important to know what you are entitled to! Subscribe to #betacare now: / @betacare_team Advantages of the GdB determination: • Severe disability (GdB50+): This is what it says... Tips for applying for a severely disabled person's ID card: • Successfully obtaining a severely disabled person's ID card... ▬▬Documents & more▬▬ Special types of rehabilitation: https://www.betanet.de/anschlussheilb... https://www.betanet.de/kinderheilbeha... https://www.betanet.de/entwoehnungsbe... Who is responsible for my rehabilitation?: https://www.betanet.de/rehabilitation... Rehabilitation via integration assistance: https://www.betanet.de/eingliederungs... https://www.betanet.de/eingliederungs... Submit an objection: https://www.betanet.de/widerspruch-im... ▬▬betaCare Guide▬▬ Our betaCare guide on disability for free download: https://www.betacare.de/files/betacar... Overview of our range of free guides: https://www.betacare.de/ratgeber.html ▬▬Table of Contents▬▬ 00:00 Intro & Overview 00:55 What is medical rehabilitation for? 02:21 What types of medical rehabilitation are there? 03:19 When can I get medical rehabilitation? 04:24 Who covers the costs of rehabilitation? 05:20 5 tips for your rehabilitation application! 08:36 Rehabilitation rejected? What now? 05:32 What degree of disability do I get during the recovery period? 09:13 Degree of disability after the recovery period for breast cancer? 12:31 Outro & betaCare guide to disability ▶️About this channel betaCare is your information platform for all matters relating to illness, social issues and the law. We are Mona and Joshua and on this channel you will find new videos every week about the services and help you are entitled to. ▶️An initiative of betapharm Arzneimittel GmbH betapharm has been committed to social projects since 1998, because patients and relatives need more than medication and high-tech - namely social, psychological and organizational support. The betaCare initiative enables patients to quickly and efficiently obtain the crucial information, for example help, services, rights and obligations in our healthcare system. You can find more information about the commitment of betapharm Arzneimittel GmbH at https://www.betacare.de/ueber-uns.html #rehabilitation #gdb