These are the containers: https://bit.ly/34IVrji if they are sold out again, search for 'meal prep' at BOL and you will find all kinds of sets (this is the cheapest in proportion). Also want to start with daily planning? Order my brand new Mascha Planner here: https://bit.ly/2m5v7iv ☆ PRODUCTS YOU SEE ☆ ☆ MY OWN PRODUCTS ☆ https://bit.ly/2m5v7iv - Buy my MASCHA PLANNER here! http://goo.gl/p79FTH - GLAM UP SET for the Mascha planner! http://bit.ly/2zC4xCZ - My first book 'Happy Life' http://bit.ly/2lZgTiA - My second book 'Happy Love Life' ☆ SOCIAL MEDIA ☆ http://bit.ly/2c7Jqez - My daily vlog channel Vloggloss http://bit.ly/2zmmySR - Instagram @Beautygloss http://bit.ly/2zAU9eX - Twitter @Maschaa http://bit.ly/2glglgL - Youtube channel of Gregor ☆ WHO AM I? ☆ I am Mascha Feoktistova, online entrepreneur who has been making beauty videos for this channel since 2007. What started as a hobby grew into my job, I film make-up videos, hair videos, DIY, and lifestyle. Furthermore, I love nothing more than filming, editing and starting new projects. I have written two bestsellers: Happy Life and Happy Love Life. I'm in the theater, have my own eyelashes and false nails hanging in the store, have my own planner, I teach and I love to travel with my husband Gregor. I also vlog daily, you can see this on my other channel Vloggloss. ☆ MY CAMERA GEAR ☆ https://bit.ly/2qiYFvf - My vlog camera https://bit.ly/31osdo4 - My vlog camera lens http://bit.ly/2hXVrtl - My vlog camera tripod http://bit.ly/2xaSJ95 - My professional camera https://bit.ly/2Vuaaui - Lens for my professional camera http://bit.ly/2wtlKgX - Audio http://bit.ly/2xe4ysN - Ring lamp (Similar) ☆ DISCLAIMER ☆ Everything I say in my videos is my own opinion and is meant as entertainment. All inquiries: [email protected] The above links may be referral links, if you order something through these links I will receive a small commission. This video contains received products and no paid collaborations. This listing is part of the 'Social Code: YouTube'. For more information, go to http://desocialcode.nl