Imagine two or more positive integers, now let's list the divisors of these numbers. When we carry out this listing, we notice the existence of common divisors, that is: divisors that appear at the same time in more than one list, this is the Greatest Common Divisor or GCD. I am Professor Felippe Loureiro and in this 30-minute class I teach the GCD from scratch. Check out my Exact Sciences courses for Public Exams: ???????? https://felippeloureiro.com/ ✔️Subscribe to the channels: Instagram: / prof.felipp. . Facebook: / proffelippel. . Telegram: https://t.me/felippeloureiro . . . #competition #mathematics #rlmforcompetition #logicalreasoningforcompetitions #logicalreasoning #mathematicsforcompetition #announcement #flpodcast #podcast #competition #masters #militarycareer #insscompetition2022 #militarycompetition #mathematics #mathematicsforcompetition #preparationforcompetitions #preparatorymilitarytechnicalschools #insscompetition #easymathematics #basicmathematics #easymathematics #shorts