Professor Gleydson Mendes presents the inspection form of art. 221 of the CTB for carrying identification plates in the vehicle that do not comply with the specifications and models established by CONTRAN, which is a medium-level infraction, with a fine of R$130.16, retention of the vehicle for regularization and seizure of irregular plates. Access the MBFT: https://www.saladetransito.com/mbft -------- Visit our website and have access to a vast amount of content. There are texts written by great experts in the area of traffic in Brazil, free simulations of first-time driver's license and specialized courses, consultancy on defenses and appeals, the Brazilian Traffic Inspection Manual online and tips on courses for professional training and qualification. www.saladetransito.com Follow the SALA DE TRÂNSITO page on social media: Instagram / saladetransito Facebook / saladetransito TikTok / saladetransito Email [email protected] WhatsApp (only for courses and consulting on traffic defenses and appeals, just click on the link and you will be redirected) wa.me/5581992300036