This is the life of Mbah Soyo in the middle of the Margoboyo mountain forest, Gajah Mungkur mountains, Wonogiri. Mbah Soyo has lived alone in the middle of the forest for 35 years to protect plants from wild monkey attacks. Mbah Soyo is actually a Mudin who is also considered an elder for the residents of Bangasan village in Wonogiri. #remotevillage #centraljavavillageatmosphere #remotevillage #centraljavavillage #tourism #wonogiri #wonogiritoday #ourwonogiri #elephantmungkurmountains #margoboyowonogiri #mbahsoyowonogiri #houseinthemiddleoftheforest #house #remotehouse #houseabovethemountain #mbahsoyo'shouse