MBAH MUHDHOR: THE PRODUCER OF A GENERATION OF SCIENTISTS Mbah Muhdhor came from Lasem Rembang. He was one of the students of Mbah Syekh Shomadiyah, the Great Tomb of Tuban. Mbah Muhdhor was once taken in as a son-in-law by Mbah Shomadiyah but their marriage failed midway. After that, he remarried Mbah Syamsiyah and settled in the Sidoarjo area. From their marriage they were blessed with three children: Mondoliko, Pinang and Singopuro. The three children's names sound a bit strange. The names are more like place names. It turns out there is a story behind the naming. The three names are to remind Mbah Muhdhor of the story when he went on the hajj and boarded a ship. The ship he boarded was once stranded on Mondoliko Island (Jepara area, Central Java), Pinang Island (Penang State, Malaysia) and Singopuro Island (Singapore). From these three children of Mbah Muhdhor, many generations of scholars were born who spread across the Tuban, Sarang, and Sidoarjo areas. Nyai Mondoliko married Mbah Ma'ruf bin Shomadiyah from the Great Tomb of Tuban, Nyai Pinang married Mbah Ghozali bin Lanah Sarang Rembang, and Mbah Singopuro settled in Sidoarjo. From the marriage of Mbah Ma'ruf with Nyai Mondoliko, five sons were born: Ya'qub, Basyar, Dahlan, Badrul Jamal, and Shiddiq. Mbah Basyar had a daughter, Mbah Shofiyah, who gave birth to KH. Ali Mansur, the Salawat Badar muallif. Mbah Ali Mansur's grave is in Maibit Rengel Tuban. The spread of descendants to the Jenu area is through the path of Mbah Badrul Jamal. Mbah Badrul Jamal had a daughter, Mbah Badi'ah. Then Mbah Badi'ah married Mbah Sholeh Mukhtar (Mukhtariyah Syafiiyah Islamic Boarding School, Jenu, Tuban). Mbah Sholeh had several sons, among them Mbah Masyithoh (wife of KH. Fathurrahman Abu Said, founder of the Islamic Boarding School. Manbail Futuh Jenu Tuban). For the route to Sarang, Nyai Pinang married Mbah Ghozali bin Lanah (founder of Pondok Sarang / MIS). Mbah Ghozali had a daughter Mbah Saidah (wife of KH. Syuaib). Mbah Saidah had a son Mbah Ahmad bin Syuaib. Mbah Ahmad had a daughter Mbah Mahmudah (wife of KH. Zubair Dahlan) who later had a son Mbah Maimoen Zubair. Then from Mbah Singopuro were born several generations who spread across Sidoarjo, among them KH Agoes Ali Masyhuri Tulangan Sidoarjo.