Monday, December 2nd Archive of Nippon Cultural Broadcasting's "Good Morning Terachan" at 5pm ▼Personality: Terashima Naomasa ▼Commentator: #Tanimoto Mayumi (#Meiroma) (Writer living in the UK) [Today's news] ◯The way Prime Minister Ishiba holds his chopsticks and rice bowl The homemade food of the leader of the Social Democratic Party The "relaxed" Atomic Bomb Dome by the female president of the company in charge of public relations for Governor Saito... it's a bit strange Japanese ◯#UK A big blunder by a married female prison guard who likes orgies ○Snacks delivered by drone? #British prison situation◯ Fire at Iguchi's apartment, University of Tokyo professor emeritus Takashi Iguchi dies◯ Minister of Justice Suzuki "refrains from answering" about reinvestigation of Kawaguchi Kurdish migrant worker issue◯ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on the brink of divorce◯ Mayumi Tanimoto's new book "#Japanese people don't know anything about world news 6" to be released on 12/10#Good morning Terachan #Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Please do not reproduce the contents.Also of not share them with any third party. ©2024 Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Inc. All rights reserved.