In this class we will see what a polygon is, the clear nomenclature of a polygon and how to classify it as regular and irregular. EP #069 Want to know more about the subject? Brasil Escola Classification of polygons - http://brasilescola.com/matematica/cl... What are convex and regular polygons? - http://brasilescola.com/o-que-e/matem... Mundo Educação Sum of the Internal Angles of a Regular Polygon - http://mundoeducacao.com/matematica/s... Exercises on polygons - https://exercicios.mundoeducacao.uol.... Prepara Enem Area of a regular polygon - https://www.preparaenem.com/matematic... Similar polygons - https://www.preparaenem.com/matematic... Follow us: Brasil Escola: http://www.brasilescola.com/ Twitter: / brasilescola Facebook: / brasilescola Instagram: / brasilescolaoficial TikTok: / brasilescola #MatemáticaDoZero #BrasilEscola #Polígonos