On a CTM night our talents shined with their participation in each of the games. Goncho and Pablo showed us their “cockroach” and strong statements exploded at the Canout Theater in “sex with me”. Connect to “Chapa tu money”, there are already more than 218 thousand lucrecias given away and there is still much more to give away ???? ⚠️ Warning: Here are a thousand reasons to skip CTM! ------------ Bet from S/20 on the website or at DoradoBet points of sale and participate in the drawing for 11 all-paid packages to cheer on Peru in its first 6 Qualifying matches. ------------ #nosomostv #ChapaTuMoney #CTM #JorgeLuna #RicardoMendoza #liveshow ------------ Follow us on our social networks: No Somos TV: / nosomostv Jorge Luna: / jorgelunalunera Ricardo Mendoza: / ricardoelcomediante Monica Torres: https://instagram.com/motorresg?igshi... Pablo Saldarriaga: https://instagram.com/funkybroster?ig... La Tonta Queen: https://instagram.com/tontaqueen?igsh... Gonzalo Iglesias: https://instagram.com/yosoygoncho?igs... Mateo Garrido Lecca https://www.instagram.com/mateoglg/?h... Saskia Bernaola https://instagram.com/saskiabernaola?...